Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vitress Hair Polish

The best part of my daily routine I do is to fix my hair. After taking a bath, I always look myself in the mirror and always find myself disturbed with how my hair looks. Honestly, my hair was once very soft and straight until I learned to make it fixed using medicines in salons that I and my mother used to go, and so I was not used to seeing my hair very frizzy. When I was in my freshman years in college, I used to tie my hair into braids so that my classmates won’t notice how disgusting my hair looks. I have tried to put some gels and hair solutions just to remedy my hair but not a single one really worked until I tried Vitress Hair Polish.

Vitress Hair Polish does not only make my hair much softer and smoother making it look more beautiful than ever. Essentially, its long-lasting fragrance stays even after a day of sweating and dust. I even have tried applying an amount of Vitress in my hair before playing badminton with my friends in an open field just near our house, of course after taking a bath. I really expected my hair to smell bad after so mush sweating because of the heat and the dust after playing but that was not really what had happened. When I was on my way home after playing badminton, I smelled the fragrance of Vitress, still. I checked out if that was really true and found out that I was not really dreaming! Vitress had really made a promise of long-lasting fragrance.

I also like Vitress Hair Polish very much because aside from it having a long-lasting fragrance and smoother and softer hair results, I found it non-greasy as well. One of the things I really hate doing is to have some sort of greasy things in my hand because I really find it very intimidating. This was also one of the reasons why I hesitated once to use some hair solutions because of their greasiness. However, when I tried Vitress, it really surprised me because it stood up very unique apart from other hair solutions which are really very greasy. See, Vitress is very easy to apply.

One thing I also like from Vitress Hair Polish is that it gave made me develop more self-confidence. I was once really very awkward to let other people see how my hair really looks and so I kept on tying it or braiding it instead. But since I used Vitress and my hair ha become smoother than before, I have learned to untie my hair, letting other people look how beautiful it is. One thing also that had boosted my self-esteem is how my classmates praise my hair whenever they touch it and smell it. They really keep on saying that it is really very smooth and fragrant. They even asked me if I went to a salon to straighten my hair. Of course I would tell them a big “NO” because the truth is, it was really Vitress that had put a miracle to it!

Review by isisbelle

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