Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello Hygienix!

This is so pleasantly strange! Just as I was about to add a bottle of alcohol (of the ethyl kind) to my grocery list, I received two goody bags of Hygienix products from Splash this weekend!  Woohoo! The Universe is ticking off my grocery list! (Dear Universe, there's a Celine Luggage tote on the list. In bold letters. Hahaha!)

Hygienix is Splash Corporation's latest offering in a long line of personal hygiene products. A new player in the anti-bacterial market, I strongly feel Hygienix poses a threat to more established brands because the product itself is superb! It's an effective disinfectant, yet it smells mild. No visions of hospital rooms and medical instruments flashing before my eyes. Not to mention, the packaging makes it look like it's "imported" and actually looks nice in your medicine cabinet, if you're particular about that sort of thing, heehee. Although I did notice, it looks like J&J's alcohol bottle no?

The full Hygienix line is composed of a range of  disinfecting products which include: ethyl alcohol, anti-bacterial hand spray and anti-bacterial hand gels.

Of course, I couldn't resist doing a battle of the hand gels! In one corner - the ubiquitous Dettol (which I just bought 3 days ago!) and in the other, our proudly Philippine-made Hygienix.

Here's my blow-by-blow on this match up:

Germ-killing Power: Both claim that it kills 99.99% of germs

Price: Ok, this isn't apples to apples because I'm comparing Singapore vs Philippine retail prices, but just to give you an idea, a 50 ml bottle of Dettol retails for SGD 3.25 at Cold Storage while a 100 ml bottle of Hygienix sells for Php 42.45 in Puregold.

Scent: Hygienix wins hands down! It's just not me, Dear Hubby thinks Hygienix smells better too! Dettol has a lemon-y alcohol scent whereas Hygienix smells fresh and less harsh/clinical. 

Gel: Both don't have an icky sticky feel, and have a cool, refreshing effect on the skin. But Dettol is not sticky. Hygienix is slightly sticky. I'd say Dettol wins this round.  Although I do like the tiny bubble-y effect of Hygienix, just because it looks nice, haha.

Packaging: Aesthetically speaking, I'm feeling Hygienix has a more gentle, skin-sensitive look. The "Hand Care" tagline softens the fact that this is an alcohol product. Dettol's packaging looks antiseptic, not that different from their household cleansers. It does say it's dermatologically tested,  and the overall effect is serious and no nonsense.

Size: Both come in handy travel-sized bottles. Dettol comes in 50 ml. size while Hygienix comes in 50 and 100 ml bottles. 

Made in: Dettol is made in Malaysia for UK-based Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Hygienix is made by  Splash Corporation (Pinoy Pride!)

See the full article here.

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