Monday, May 9, 2011

Maxi-peel Exfoliant Soap

When I entered adolescence, I became prone to acne and pimples. I did not just have them on my face but on my entire body. Most of them can be found embedded at my back. For years it caused marks in my entire body. It was easy to have my face fixed since it’s just a small portion of my body. But for my entire body, specially my back, having a dermatologist to do it was really not in my budget and I was really not that vain. So I just let it be for a couple of years again. I tried a couple of stuff like glutathione and whitening lotions such as nivea and block and white. But it did not take the scars away. And then just last December 2008, I finally found a way to get rid of my scars. I found this soap, called Maxi-peel exfoliant soap from Splash Corp.

It has small beads embedded in the soap that serves as exfoliants to get rid of dead skin. It also has germicidals that help get rid of germs. And I also like the smell that it leaves after I use it. I really felt my skin become smoother each time I use it. In 2 weeks I saw the results in my body specially at my back. My skin became clearer and the scars are slowly fading. It also helped my skin become whiter. I am really glad I used this product. It’s not only effective but cheaper at the same time. I can use it for as long a I want to..

Review by Blake20

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