Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to use Maxi-Peel

1.) Before using it you should check if you have a very sensitive skin and the severity of your acne.

There are 3 kinds of Maxi peel:

2.) You should choose the number that suits your acne condition.

3.) Use it only once a day (evening) but NOT DAILY. Your skin will peel after the first or second use. Use it every other day or 2 to 4 four times a week. When your skin starts to peel, that's the time that you should give it a rest from the product until all dead skins are peeled off and then continue untill you are clear and flawless.

4.) Use an alcohol and salicylic acid free moisturizers to prevent it from stinging. Jojoba oil is good. I also use Olay daily sensitive day and night cream.

5.) Your skin will appear dark but it is normal. It will lighten when you are finish using the product.

6.) Avoid touching and picking your face while using the product. Your skin will be sensitive and a bit irritating because of the active ingredients found in this product and it will just irritate it more if you often touch and pick it.

7.) Give yourself a week off (optional) if want to use this product and or if you think you can't manage to go in public with an obvious peeling of the skin on your face.

9.) Eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

8.) When you are finally clear, you can stop using the product and use anti-bacterial, PH balanced facial clears and toners,and acne preventing moisturizers for maintenance.

I have experienced of trying different kinds of products, methods and ways of curing acne but none of them worked as effective as the Maxi Peel.

Before taking any medications (that can possibly cause lots of side effects), you should consider using Maxi Peel first. I have good looking,

See the full review here.

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