Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Facial Reviews: Maxi-Peel

The Maxi Peel Facial product mainly focuses on treating acne problems that ranges from moderate to severe cases even blackheads and whiteheads. The product is said to consist of a combination of Hydroquinone and Treinoin, which are the active ingredients used to get rid of the said skin problems. It is also believed to be effective for promoting lighter skin and preventing the formation of dark spots.

Maxi Peel Facial: How it Works
The main ingredients in the Maxi Peel Facial, Hydroquinone and Tretinoin, are said to help treat mild to severe cases of pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. All you need to do is to apply the solution to your face. Use it as indicated on the package and do not overuse it because it might cause redness or burn the skin. The peeling will happen in several days of using the product and you can use a moisturizer to hide the peeling of the skin. You must not rub your skin if it is peeling.

Maxi Peel Facial: Cost
The price of this product ranges from $5 to $6 and it differs from the beauty shop you purchase it from. Since it is popularly known in the market today, it can be bought from the local pharmacy, department stores and even groceries. You can also find it on eBay.

Get the full review here.

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