Thursday, June 9, 2011

Maxipeel Sunblock Cream with SPF 20

In pursuit of a whiter complexion, I have have decided to scour the entire market for a sunblock that can protect my skin from sun damage, with one condition: it has to be cheap! Maxipeel Sunblock Cream with SPF 20 was the perfect candidate! It is really cheap, you can buy one that is just below 20 pesos, how convenient is that?

I have never really used any maxipeel product before using this sunblock cream. I received a fair share of both positive and negative feedbacks about maxipeel products so it was never in my mind, but since it fitted my criteria perfectly , I might as well give it try. Whenever I go out and I know that I will probably be exposed to a lot of sunlight, I always apply this cream. Miraculously, I think it does work! I have been applying this product on my face and arms for over a month now and my whitening process was never disrupted. My skin remained really fair and smooth just before and after application. All my worries were gone. I was no longer of worried of getting exposed to the sun too often. My colleagues even noticed that I was no longer afraid of going out. I was always protected thanks to Maxipeel Sunblock Cream with SPF 20!

This product really made me so happy! It is cheap, it is odorless, it is not oily when applied to the skin and best of all, it works! I do not really see any down side in using this product! Well, I have been using this product since last month and I do not really see any problems with it! However, before using this product, I recommend that you talk to your personal dermatologist before actually using one as your skin might be too sensitive.

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