Thursday, June 9, 2011

What To Bring During Rainy Days

During rainy days do bring an umbrella everyday just to make sure that you dont get wet, it will be better to have your rain coat too, but nowadays it aint what we girls wanted to bring. We always want something that will always fit on their little fashionista bags. We girls usually bring their make up kits which almost took most of space inside their bags. Here are my recommendation for girls to bring during rainy weather.

SkinWhite Power Cream Powder - 20g and 8g packs
SkinWhite Power Whitening Lotion - 50ml, 100ml, 200ml and 350ml bottles
Hygienix - 60ml, 150ml, and 250ml

We girls do want to retouch every moment they feel that they need to. For that i recommend SkinWhite Power Cream Powder, it small, available in 20g and 8g packs which could easily fit in small bags.

In case you did not bring an umbrella and had to run through the rain, its good to have your SkinWhite Power Cream PowderSkinWhite Power Whitening Lotion, and SkinWhite Power Whitening Face Solution. It can help you retouch your whole body with such little space taken from your bag.

Its never bad to be safe so its also good idea to bring Hygienix, just to be sure that you are clean and safe from germs from puddles you might have stepped or things you might have touched.

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