Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Skin White Face Cream Powder

I have always been conscious of my facial skin. Although I only have the occasional pimples and blackheads, I still feel naked when I try to pull off a make-up free look. There are weekends when I do not want to wear foundation or powder, but I still want to my face to look flawless. I looked for face powder, but somehow the effect was not the same. After a while they become cakey, and then it becomes obvious that you have been putting on powder.

I then saw this face cream powder. It’s liquid that turns into powder when you put it in your face. It gives you a look that’s polished without looking made-up. It’s colorless and so it blends in your skin. But you have to hurry when you spread it in your face because it becomes sticky when it mixes with air. When that happens, it becomes difficult to spread it evenly in your face, and there will be lumps that are very visible. In spreading it in your face, use a good mirror and do it in a well-lighted place. Use your index finger and as much as possible, use both at the same time, spreading it in the same direction so as to prevent lumps. Best of all, this face powder is cheap.

review by by TheAdvocate

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